From Trump to Biden, why does America always support Israel

3 min read

The longstanding relationship between the United States and Israel has drawn attention and scrutiny from around the world. From the Trump administration to the Biden era, America’s unwavering support for Israel remains a constant. This article seeks to shed light on the historical, political, and strategic factors that underpin America’s steadfast allegiance to Israel. By examining key milestones, geopolitical considerations, and shared values, we aim to unravel the complex dynamics that have shaped this enduring alliance.

Historical Bonds: A Foundation of Shared Values

To comprehend the consistent support that the United States extends to Israel, it is essential to delve into the historical roots and shared values between the two nations:

  1. Cultural and Religious Affinities:
    The United States, as a country built by immigrants, has fostered a deep appreciation for cultural diversity and religious freedom. Similarly, Israel’s establishment as a Jewish homeland resonates with the American narrative of religious tolerance and the pursuit of liberty. These shared values have formed a strong basis for the enduring relationship.
  2. The Holocaust and Guilt Complex:
    The horrors of the Holocaust deeply affected the global conscience, including the United States. The recognition of Israel’s right to exist and ensuring its security is often seen as a response to the guilt complex stemming from the international community’s perceived failure to prevent the Holocaust.

Strategic Interests and Geopolitical Considerations

Beyond shared values, strategic interests and geopolitical considerations play a significant role in shaping America’s support for Israel:

  1. Stable Ally in the Middle East:
    With its military prowess, technological advancements, and stable democracy, Israel has emerged as a reliable ally for the United States in a volatile region. The presence of a staunch ally can help safeguard American interests, maintain regional stability, and project influence in the Middle East.
  2. Counterterrorism Cooperation:
    Israel, positioned in a region plagued by extremist organizations, holds valuable expertise in counterterrorism. Close collaboration with Israel enables the United States to exchange intelligence, enhance security measures, and combat the global threat of terrorism more effectively.

Changing Administrations and Consistent Support

America’s unwavering support for Israel has remained remarkably consistent even through changing administrations. Examining the Trump and Biden eras provides insight into this enduring alliance:

  1. The Trump Administration and Consolidation of Ties:
    Under the Trump administration, the US-Israel relationship reached new heights. The decision to relocate the American embassy to Jerusalem and the Abraham Accords, which established diplomatic relations between Israel and several Arab countries, exemplify the administration’s efforts to solidify ties and reshape regional dynamics.
  2. The Biden Era: Continuation and Nuances:
    While the Biden administration may differ in its approach, the fundamental support for Israel remains intact. President Biden has affirmed his commitment to Israel’s security while also expressing intentions to revive diplomatic efforts for a two-state solution with the Palestinians. Balancing between supporting Israel and engaging in peace negotiations is a central challenge for the Biden administration.


The consistent support that the United States extends to Israel encompasses historical bonds, shared values, strategic interests, and geopolitical considerations. The enduring relationship between the two nations reflects the conviction that a close alliance is advantageous for both parties, relating to security, cultural ties, and diplomatic influence. As the world continues to witness America’s steadfast commitment to Israel, it is crucial to acknowledge the complexities and nuances that shape this alliance. Recognizing the multifaceted dynamics at play can foster a deeper understanding of the enduring nature of the US-Israel relationship and its implications in the pursuit of peace and stability in the Middle East.

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